
The Paisley Osteopathic Clinic
31 Moss Street

In order to maintain safe distancing we have to keep numbers to a minimum. 

If you are able to attend unaccompanied, that would be preferable.  Otherwise, please do not bring more than one person with you.


  • You or anyone in your household have had any of the following symptoms in the last 7 days: new persistent cough, high temperature, recent loss of smell or taste
  • You have complex needs including the need for carers
  • You have received a letter to inform you of being in a high-risk category
  • You are living with people in a high-risk category

Then it would be more appropriate to not attend the clinic and please contact my office.

If you have any problems on the day, or are lost, please phone the main office on 0114 237 6166.    Dr Vohra’s mobile is 07778475181 (he is only able to answer between booked appointments).