Holiday Sickness

Illness Medical Report

I have been requested to prepare a holiday illness medical report for your solicitors to progress your claim.

I need to prepare a brief medical account of your symptoms and the nature of the illness, and verification that the illness was caused by the food consumed on holiday.

The following questionnaire needs to be completed as much as possible for each claimant and submitted returned to me.

If there are more than one claimant, then some of the details on the questionnaire will be the same, such as dates of travel, resort details and hygiene issues at the hotel.

These sections do not need to be completed again.

If you could please do the best you can and return to me. I will then check through the questionnaire and contact you if I need to clarify any details.

If I have all the details that I need, then I will go ahead and compile the report and send it to your solicitors.

That report can then be checked by you, and then submitted by your solicitors to the insurers in this case. If you do need to speak to me with regard to any issues of clarification, please do feel free to email me on call me on 07778475181.

Please do feel free to give your solicitors a call to verify that I need to prepare your report if you are uncertain at all.

Dr S Vohra